
Winchester Area Temporary Transitional Shelter (WATTS)


Our Date for hosting WATTS is the week of Thanksgiving.  Click the button below to go to our Sign Up Genius to volunteer to help.

SCUMC is one of the founding members of the Winchester Area Temporary Transitional Shelter (WATTS), started in 2009.  WATTS’ mission is “to break the cycle of homelessness one life at a time by empowering individuals to re-enter the workforce and connecting them to the resources needed to be as self-sufficient as possible, while providing a safe temporary shelter during extreme weather.”

Since the beginning, SCUMC volunteers to host a week each winter, providing a warm, safe place for homeless guests overnight in our church.  Other churches and organizations also host WATTS, thus providing shelter to the homeless during the 20 coldest weeks of winter from November through March.  From 7:00 PM to 7:00 AM, dinner and breakfast are provided along with sleeping accommodations for 35 guests.  Homeless individuals are admitted on a first-come, first-served basis: transportation is provided by WATTS from Winchester to our church each evening, and then back in the mornings.  Find out more on the WATTS website.

Direct program funding for WATTS is dependent upon the generosity of individuals, churches, civic groups, organizations, businesses, and foundations.  Other donations these individuals and groups provide that keep WATTS running include food, drinks, snacks, toiletries, clothing, gift cards, sleeping bags and water-proof mats, as well as volunteer man-power and fellowship/moral support.

For further information contact Dee.


Support WATTS year-round!

Just $10 a month can change the life of someone experiencing homelessness in Winchester, Frederick, and Clarke County.

Use this QR code or link to donate directly to W.A.T.T.S.

Click here for more information