
Fiber Arts Ministry

If you love working with fabrics, yarn and all manner of fiber based projects the group for you is the Fiber Arts Ministry, which meets in Room 101 on the 4th Monday of each month at 6:00 p.m. You may bring a project you are working on or you can create a Prayer Shawl.  You don’t need to be a creative master to join, all are welcome.  There is more information on the Prayer Shawl Ministry below.  Please contact Lisa if you have any questions.

Prayer Shawls are gifted, never sold.  The maker prays over the shawl all during it’s creation.  They are  then consecrated and distributed to those who need them.  Recipients may be:  those in need of comfort after as loss, those who are sick or lonely, or maybe “just because”.

For more information on Prayer Shawls and patterns, click the button to the left.

PLEASE NOTE: the Fiber Arts Ministry is currently not meeting but will resume after Christmas.  Check back here for updates.