  • Dates: June 27 – July 1
  • Time: 6 pm to 8:15pm each night
  • Place: Stephens City UM Church on Main Street
  • Theme: Wilderness Escape – Moses leads the Israelite’s through the desert
  • Ages: 4 years old through 12 years old
  • Activities: singing, stories, crafts, snacks, games!

Stephens City Vacation Bible School (VBS) on Main Street just completed an exciting adventure through the wilderness as kids walked through the parted seas, ate manna and learned to trust God. Wilderness Escape is where God guides and provides. Kids grabbed their tunics and got prepared for an exciting journey with God’s people, the Israelites as each evening brought God’s Word to life. Kids joined a caravan with Moses and the Israelites as they escaped Egypt. They discovered the truth straight from Moses—one of history’s greatest God-followers. Everyone experienced what it might have been like to live in the Bible-times wilderness! Moses was obedient to God in his faith and the Red Sea parted for the Hebrews to escape from slavery in Egypt!

The biblical content built into the curriculum taught foundational truths that helped kids understand who Jesus is and why they need a personal Savior. The relationships established with kids and their families provided many opportunities which reflected the love of Jesus and revealed the truth of the Gospel.

The five-day Vacation Bible School (VBS) ministers’ children in the church and establishes outreach to the surrounding communities. VBS is supported by a creative theme of Bible study, game activities, worship and even time for some delicious snacks.

VBS offers an opportunity to provide a child with an unforgettable experience and lasting recollections. This phenomenal event generates memories that help lock Bible truths in a child’s heart and mind for a lifetime.

Participants experienced stories from the Bible, met new children, had a good time with friends and learned new and exciting activities. They learned Bible verses, acted out Bible stories, shared the Gospel, sang fun educational songs, watched and participated in skits, created crafts, participated in recreation, took part in hands-on mission projects, made discoveries and enjoyed a meal together.

And that’s a wrap! Vacation Bible School was a great success! Fun, friends, food and learning for over 30 kids this week!

A special thank you to Garber’s Ice Cream for donating the awesome creamy treats for a great party on our last night!